Name of operation
The Challenges of Intercultural Coexistence project
Brief description
The operation is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. The operation is carried out within the framework of the 2014–2020 Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy with the following priority axes. 10. “Knowledge, skills and lifelong learning to enhance employability”, investment priority: 10.1 “Enhancing equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups in formal, non-formal and informal settings, upgrading the knowledge, skills and competences of the workforce, and promoting flexible learning pathways including through career guidance and validation of acquired competences”, specific objective: 10.1.3 “Promoting flexible learning pathways and supporting high-quality career orientation for school-age youth at all education levels”, and a public call for operations by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport titled Strengthening the social and civic competencies of professionals, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No 35/16 of 13 May 2016.
The main goal of the project is to help develop the values of interculturalism and to improve the professional competences of education managers and professionals for a more successful integration of immigrant children with a different linguistic and cultural background into the Slovenian educational system. The aim of the project is to ensure that professionals working with immigrant children, teachers working on the project, and professionals working in educational institutions that include immigrant children undergo appropriate training.
Name of beneficiary
Institut za psihološko svetovanje in izobraževalno razvojne projekte
Consortium: ISA Institute, Koper Primary School, Livada Primary School, Trzin Primary School, Milojka Štrukelj Nova Gorica Primary School, Slovenj Gradec Second Primary School, Karel Destovnik-Kajuh Šoštanj Primary School, Celje Third Primary School, Matija Čop Kranj Primary School, Grm Novo mesto Primary School, Leskovec pri Krškem Primary School, Tončka Čeč Trbovlje Primary School, Anton Globočnik Postojna Primary School, Maks Durjava Maribor Primary School, Jesenice Secondary School and Slovenska Bistrica Secondary School.
Total cost of operation and amount of public funding
The eligible costs of the project in the amount of EUR 3,000,000.00 are co-financed.
Beginning and end of operation under the grant awarding decision
The eligible costs incurred from the date of publication of the public tender in the UL RS, from 13 May 2016 to 30 September 2021 will be co-financed.
Management body
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia
The website on the European cohesion policy in Slovenia
Contact persons who provide information on the operation
Mateja Štirn, Administrative Project Coordinator
M: 041 424 564
E: mateja.stirn@isainstitut.si
ISA institute
Prešernova cesta 5, 1000 Ljubljana
Anton Baloh, expert project coordinator
M: 051 374 900
E: anton.baloh@siol.net
Koper Primary School
Cesta Zore Perello-Godina 1, 6000 Koper
Mojca Jelen Madruša, expert project coordinator
M: 051 604 088
E: mojca.jelen-madrusa@guest.arnes.si
Koper Primary School
Cesta Zore Perello-Godina 1, 6000 Koper
- improve the professional competences of education managers and professionals for more successful integration of immigrant children into the Slovenian educational system;
- implement and upgrade the results of the project titled ‘Developing interculturalism as a new form of coexistence. Improving the professional competences of education managers and professionals for a more successful integration of immigrant students into the educational system’, selected in the public call for operations titled ‘Improving the professional competences of education managers and professionals for a more successful integration of immigrant students into the educational system’ (UL RS No 65/2013);
- implement the ‘Facing the Challenges of Intercultural Coexistence’ programme (a SIMS programme) within the network of 90 educational institutions (15 consortium partners and 75 participating educational institutions) using new pedagogical strategies and methods; in this context, professionals will perform activities that contribute to the development of key competences of children, their parents, as well as managers and professionals;
- draw up a programme proposal for working with immigrant children based on the implementation of the SIMS programme; the programme will contain a recommended number of Slovenian classes for immigrant children at the preschool, primary school (divided into three-year periods) and secondary school levels;
- improve communication skills, education opportunities and social inclusion of immigrant children;
- promote flexible learning pathways and support high-quality career orientation for school-age youth at all education levels;
- achieve long-term results and implementation of the SIMS programme in preschools, primary and secondary schools and other educational institutions by establishing a network of teachers and counsellors – teachers working on the project and a network of participating educational institutions;
- help provide more accessible expert support to managers and professionals implementing the SIMS programme by setting up a network of participating experts;
- help develop supportive educational environments, develop and strengthen supportive organisational culture and climate through the SIMS programme;
- help strengthen the cooperation between schools and families of immigrant children, and between families of immigrant children with the local environment;
- help strengthen intercultural values in the society, tolerance and positive attitude towards intercultural coexistence;
- contribute to interministerial cooperation at the national, regional and local levels by holding two interministerial consultations and performing SIMS programme activities;
- draw up and publish a report on the project results and evaluation, including a substantiated proposal for a systematic inclusion of the programme for working with immigrant children into the education system;
- hold a final conference presenting the project results and evaluation to the wider public.
- teachers and counsellors – teachers working on the project and other primary education professionals and managers;
- teachers and counsellors – teachers working on the project and other general secondary education professionals and managers;
- preschool education managers and professionals;
- vocational and technical education managers and professionals;
- managers and professionals from the field of special needs education for children and youth;
- managers and professionals from the field of education in student residences;
- primary music education managers and professionals;
- adult education managers and professionals;
- immigrant children who are just being or have already been included into the Slovenian education system;
- families of immigrant children who are just being or have already been included into the Slovenian education system;
- classmates and parents of immigrant children;
- representatives of local communities and NGOs operating in local communities (directly implementing the SIMS programme with immigrant children and their families);
- expert public and decision makers;
- the general public through the promotional activities of the project aimed at strengthening intercultural values and supportive environments in Slovenian society.